
I am exploring a journey from start to finish as one experiences a narrative when reading a book. I have used cut and reassembled cloth bound book covers to represent this.

When we pick up a book to read a story, or the information it provides, we start off with a clear organised perceived direction.

We are taken on a journey collecting information and experiences which may or may not influence the end result. As for the journey in a book, so too the artwork has the same start and is manipulated by individual interpretation and the ending in a fractured compilation of the original intent.

The end result is the assembling of different shapes from the book covers representing the information gathered and ends slightly different from the organised beginning.

I was originally attracted to the patina and colours of the book covers. The story or information within the covers is my interpretation of the completed work. The viewer is draw in to create their own story and it will be their own individual conclusion. Each sculpture is assembled into a unique shapes representing this.